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[Citrix] XenServer SR 추가 방법

은수아빠빠 2014. 5. 9. 09:39

1. SCSI Host 재검색

Rescan Entire Host SCSI Bus
This command was never consistent.
Replace $HOST with the SCSI host you want to scan which may be host0, host1, host2, etc. Typically $HOST is host0.
echo "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/$HOST/scan
The - - - are wildcards and mean to look at every channel, every target, and every LUN (hence the three dashes) on the specificed SCSI host.

==> cat /proc/scsi/scsi  ==> 신규 장치 확인

<출처: http://thornelabs.net/2012/08/22/linux-rescan-scsi-bus.html>

2. 장치명, SCSI ID 확인(SR생성을 위한)

#scsi_id -g -u -s /block/sde (sd(drive letter)-according to lun mapping)

Sample output:
4) Create Storage Repository  in server:
#xe sr-create host-uuid=45c72206-de58-43de-9654-13efa7f3aa67 name-label=Cloud_Lun2 content-type=user shared=true device-config:SCSIid=360080e50002363a200000bad50911a64 type=lvmohba
Sample Output:
3) #xe pbd-list sr-uuid=<sr-uuid> (Ex : f0fae26a-177c-b444-ff7c-7cfcfeb71bcf)
4) #xe pbd-plug uuid=<pbd-uuid>

<출처: http://letusexplain.blogspot.kr/2013/07/adding-lun-using-lvm-over-hba-in-xen.html>